The great virtue of looking down

 The great virtue of looking down

Thus, Allah made purification and spiritual growth the result of lowering the gaze and guarding the private parts. . It is for this reason that looking down ( seeing ) the Forbidden

The great virtue of looking down

Things necessarily leads to three benefits that are of great value and importance: .

The first one . feeling the joy and sweetness of faith .

This delight and sweetness is far greater and more desirable than what could be obtained from an object from which a person lowers his gaze for the sake of Allah. . Indeed, "Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, then Allah , the Mighty and Glorious , will replace it with something better than himself." [1]

The soul is seductive and likes to look at beautiful forms, and the eye is the guide of the heart . The heart commands its guide to go and look to see what is there, and when the eye informs him of the beautiful sight, he trembles with love and desire for it. . Often such relationships tire and wear out both the heart and the eye, as the saying goes .

One day for your heart , the object of vision has tired you

Because you saw someone over whom you had no power

Neither in part nor in whole , instead one had to be patient .

Therefore, when the sight does not allow to look and study the heart, it finds relief from going through a difficult task. ( in vain ) to search and desire .

Whoever allows his sight to wander freely will find himself in eternal loss and suffering for his sight, giving birth to a love whose starting point is the heart devoted and dependent on what it sees. . This then intensifies and becomes an intense longing ( the causes ) whereby the heart becomes completely dependent and devoted ( the object of its desire ) and becomes an infatuation that clings to the heart as the seeker of debt clings to the one who has to pay the debt .

Later it becomes passionate love, and this is a love that transcends all boundaries . Then it grows stronger and becomes a mad passion, and this is a love that covers every little part of the heart . Then this becomes stronger and becomes cult love . Tatayyum means to worship and it is said that he worshiped Allah .

So the heart begins to worship what is not right for it, and the cause of all this was the unlawful view. .

The heart is now bound in chains, whereas before it was the master , it is now imprisoned, whereas before it was free . It is oppressed by the eye and complains to it, to which the eye responds . I am your guide and messenger, and you sent me in the first place !

All that has been mentioned applies to the heart that has renounced the love of Allah and is sincere to Him, for indeed the heart must have an object of love to devote itself to. .

Therefore, when the heart does not love Allah alone and does not accept Him as its God, then it must worship something else. .

Allah said about Yusuf as-Siddiq (AS),

It was because al-Aziz's wife was polytheistic ( passionate love ) entered his heart, although she was married . It was because Yusuf (AS) was sincere to Allah that he was saved from it, even though he was young , unmarried and a servant .

Second : the enlightenment of the heart , clear perception and insightful understanding .

Allah mentioned the people of Ghut and what they were afflicted with, then continued by saying ,

"Verily in this are signs for the Mutawasim." [ al-Hijr (15). 75]

Mutwasimin are those who have clear perception and penetrating insight , those who are safe from committing unlawful and indecent acts .

"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth." [ only (24). 35]

This is because the reward is of the same type as the action . So whoever lowers his gaze from the unlawful for the sake of Allah , the Mighty and Glorious , He will replace it with something better of the same kind .

Just as the servant restrained the light of his eye from falling on the wrongdoers , Allah blesses the light of his sight and heart, thereby making him perceive what he would not see and understand if he did not lower his gaze. .

This is a question that a person can physically feel within themselves, for the heart is like a mirror and base desires are like rust. . When the mirror is polished and cleaned of rust, it will reflect the realities ( truth ) as they really are .

However, if it remains rusty, it will not reflect properly, so his knowledge and speech will be based on assumptions and doubts. .

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