4 tips to become a patient woman

 4 tips to become a patient woman

4 tips to become a patient woman

He always flies off the handle! He has such a hot head! Does the boy have a short temper ?

Whatever you choose to call it. not being able to control yourself when you're angry can hinder your success in many areas of your life, including marriage. , education , employment , friendship and most importantly, your religion .

There are many pieces of advice from the Qur'an and Sunnah that encourage us to control our anger and be patient .

Here are some of them .

"Only those who are patient will receive their full reward regardless ." ( Az Zumar , 39:10)

Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu reported : The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A strong man is not one who wrestles well , but a strong man is one who controls himself when angry." 1:

If you're having trouble controlling your temper , there are some empowering tips to help you get started on the path to a more tame and controlled temper .

Admit you have a problem

Well, of course, I realize that , you can tell yourself . But I mean really own your anger problem . Say for yourself , on the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, It is not right for me to rage at home when my husband ignores my complaints .

" No, it's not good for me to start yelling nasty names at my kids when they start arguing and fighting with each other."

You can tell yourself that if it weren't for this or that , you wouldn't lose your self-control . Change this thought pattern . Do not give yourself an excuse for your behavior . If you become weak and resort to expressing your anger , admit that you've gone backwards and try to do better next time , insha'Allah.

Realize that change does not happen overnight .

Patience will take consistent effort over time . Chances are, you've realized that your unruly behavior has sometimes been effective in getting what you want . After all, who wants to deal with a person who seems to have gone mad, it is easier to give up and submit .

We are all under the influence of our surroundings . If you grew up in a family where anger was used as a tool to make others conform , But do not lose hope . Inshallah, you can achieve the noble quality of patience and control your angry feelings .

With every step of the way , remember that success is built on failure . Each time you relapse into your ineffective behavior , view it as a learning experience, not an additional failure .

Start making dua asking Allah SWT to help you with your anger management problem .

There are some things that come easily to you and other things that you have to struggle to achieve . If being patient during trials is a problem , seek help from Him who has power over all things . Allah loves that His servants ask Him for help . People are exactly the opposite . They get tired of you asking . So go to the One who can truly give you success, your Lord .

And when you ask , pay attention to what the Prophet (PBUH) said .

Never give up asking Allah SWT for help ; maybe he wants you to draw closer to him by continually seeking his support .

Learn the value of being patient .

Why do people make sacrifices to get a good education , get a quality job , or marry a good husband ?

They see the benefit in achieving these achievements . Knowing the value of being patient can help motivate you to put more effort into becoming more patient . Here are some inspirational quotes from the Quran and hadiths that remind us of the rewards of being patient .

And be patient . Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient . ( Al Anfal 8:46)

What a priceless blessing was considered among the true believers .

Whoever is patient , Allah will give him patience , and no one is given a better and more comprehensive gift than patience." . 3:

If you try to be patient and succeed , Allah will give you patience . MashaAllah , you will be rewarded with exactly the gift you are looking for .

Almighty Allah says ,

"...those who control their anger and forgive other people . " Allah loves those who do good " ( Al-Imran , 3:134)

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